Individual Counseling

Upon participation in a consultation appointment, a student will receive a recommendation that may include individual counseling.  This service may be provided at the Counseling Center or with a Community Provider. The Scope of Practice explains the services at the Counseling Center.

Individual counseling is designed to focus on short-term goals in order to facilitate students’ college success and adjustment. Upon recommendation, Counseling Center services are available to enrolled students while classes are in session at no additional change. Students must be enrolled in summer courses in order to be eligible for counseling during the summer months.  The Counseling Center utilizes a brief counseling model. Appointments are typically scheduled every 2 to 3 weeks. While there are no 'set' number of individual sessions for each client, the average is about 4 sessions. Some clients only need 2 or 3 sessions. Together, the counselor and student set goals and determine the approximate number of sessions that may be needed. 

Counseling sessions typically last 45-50 minutes. At each session, the counselor and student will set the next appointment time and date. Please note that if you arrive more than 20 minutes after your scheduled appointment time, you may be rescheduled or seen for a reduced length of time at the counselor's discretion.